Hello, welcome to my professional photography blog. My name is Martina and I live in Austin, Texas. I am a motivated designer, photographer, and mother of two amazing children. Design is my passion. Not only is it an art-form, but a discipline in problem solving strategies. If you would like a free consultation, contact me at: msv1013@gmail.com. If you enjoy my work and would like receive updates, submit your email address below. I hope you will pull up a chair and stay a while!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Advertisements for att.com

As some of you know, I am an Art Director and Designer for att.com. I thought it would be cool to share some of the work I've been doing over the past few months. Here are some promotional banners I created for various service and product offers. I came up with the concepts, created the image composites and designed the layouts.

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